Nov. 14 Press Briefing @ GSA in Austin: AARP to Release News on Family Caregiving and Women's Brain Health

For Immediate Release
November 4, 2019

Contact: Todd Kluss
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(202) 587-2839

At The Gerontological Society of America's 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting in Austin, Texas, AARP is presenting a two-part luncheon briefing featuring new research on family caregiving and a campaign announcement with AARP’s Global Council on Brain Health and UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.

Date: Thursday, November 14, 2019
Time: Noon to 1:15 p.m.
Location: Room 2, Level 1, Austin Convention Center
Registration: A GSA meeting press badge is required (complimentary for all qualified journalists)

2019 Valuing the Invaluable: Charting a Path Forward
AARP will announce findings from the latest research in the Valuing the Invaluable report series with updated estimates on the number of family caregivers and the economic value of family and friends caring for an adult in America. Authors of the report will discuss key trends in family caregiving and policy developments, and solutions.


  • Susan Reinhard, PhD, RN, FAAN, FGSA, Senior Vice President & Executive Director, AARP Public Policy Institute
  • Lynn Friss Feinberg, MSW, FGSA, Senior Strategic Policy Advisor, AARP Public Policy Institute
  • Rita Choula, Director, Caregiving Projects, AARP Public Policy Institute

Announcement from AARP's Global Council on Brain Health and USAgainstAlzheimer's
Recognizing that women make up two-thirds of the nearly six million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, AARP and UsAgainstAlzheimer’s are teaming up to empower women to take charge of their brain health. Join us as AARP Senior Vice President Sarah Lock reveals a 30 day brain health challenge with Be Brain Powerful® and shares how AARP’s Global Council on Brain Health helps consumers make sense of the latest brain health research.


  • Sarah Lenz Lock, JD, Senior Vice President, Policy & Brain Health and Executive Director, Global Council on Brain Health, AARP


The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is the nation's oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging. The principal mission of the Society — and its 5,500+ members — is to advance the study of aging and disseminate information among scientists, decision makers, and the general public. GSA’s structure also includes a policy institute, the National Academy on an Aging Society, and an educational unit, the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education.