OTC Medication Behaviors of Older Adults

otcmedicationOTC Medication Behaviors of Older Adults is a multi-stakeholder industry-supported collaboration focused on safe and effective use of over-the-counter (OTC) medications. GSA convened stakeholders from industry, academia, research, and practice to evaluate current research on the OTC medication behaviors of older adults and identify gaps in the evidence base. Proceedings of the summit delve into specific influential areas including OTC medication literacy, the perceptual and cognitive basis of OTC medication decision making, technologies to support optimal OTC behavior, and the interface of clinical and family care regarding OTC medication behaviors.


Steven M. Albert, PhD (chair)
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh

Laura Bix, PhD
School of Packaging
Michigan State University

Mary M. Bridgeman, PharmD, BCPS, CGP
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital


Laura L. Carstensen, PhD
Margaret Dyer-Chamberlain, BA, MALD
Stanford Center on Longevity
Stanford University

Patricia J. Neafsey, PhD
Center for Health, Intervention, and Prevention
University of Connecticut

Michael S. Wolf, PhD, MPH
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University


chpaThis program is developed by GSA and supported by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA).